Wednesday 7 February 2007

Let it snow!

So tomorrow they say it's going to snow. Lots. And in the Downs, that means there'll be a lovely big thick blanket of it, and probably no trains between London and Brighton in the morning. So a double reason to celebrate...

I'm feeling springy and bouncy today, despite being woken up in the early hours by Steve who had a car collecting him to take him to Frankfurt, "the most dull city in the world" (not an excerpt from the tourist board, although it might as well have been). He was being flown there to go for lunch and then dinner. That's it. No meetings. Just food and drink. Tsk tsk.

This morning my hotmail was adorned by a lovely e-mail from Anita called 'classes' where she has outlined a whole host of classes which we might do in an attempt to be less sedentary/lazy. These include kick boxing (terrifying), circuits (shudder), aquarobics (now we're talking), Jazz Stage Dance (I beg your pardon?) etc etc. Of course we have both decided that the 'drop-in' option is the only way to go, as we don't have to commit money to a series of classes when we both know we'll make a brilliant excuse every week without fail.

Bearing this in mind, I feel I can be quite positive about all these suggestions...circuits...bring it on!

In other news, I'm frequenting my favourite drop-in-low-cost-bring-your-own Thai tonight with Dan and Morgan to speak about boys things, and no doubt, girls bits. I think the kick boxing was on a Wednesday, but I'm in no position to attend that, what with my erm, blisters.

Much safer eating fish cakes.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOO! No more snow, PLEASE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Its Dave 'give us a break' Miller! How long did it take you to type that Dave? 10mins...? (Snigger)

But seriously breaking your right arm is not a laughing matter. Especially for a bloke.. ermm because obviously now your skills at Guitar Hero II are much inhibited.

Nevermind, think of all the sympathy you'll get! No work for a bit, meals cooked for you etc etc..

Anonymous said...

s*x is going to be a bit tricky though

but still you've got one arm and 3 working legs in order.