Monday 16 July 2007


Sometimes it’s hard to take life seriously, and this weekend has been one of those times when I’ve really struggled.

Cast your minds back about 3 months or so when I had a period of obsessing over clothes moths (speaking of which- Lindsey and Natalie- I think we have them aswell). I blogged about it, I researched it, I nagged and nagged and nagged Steve about it, and what happened? I was dismissed. Over the proceeding months, the moths appeared to become more prolific and I did try to mention them as much as possible, but not too much for fear of being brandished a massive nag- which of course, I am.

So it wasn’t entirely without a hint of smugness when we discovered a veritable nest, a feeding frenzy if you will, of clothes moths on Steve’s wool trousers, circa 1997 (vintage!) from Joseph. And it wasn’t a real shock to me to find that all of Steve’s cashmere, wool and other hugely expensive natural fibre winter woollies and fine cardigans had also been feasted upon and were festooned with pupae cocoons and big gaping holes. I’m not saying I’m happy this has happened, I’m really not, but I did warn him many months ago that if he didn’t do something- this would happen, and he just didn’t listen which makes sympathy a little harder to come by.

The icing on the cake surely has to be the 2 days solid we spent this weekend trying to get rid of the little f*ckers. We washed, we sprayed insecticide (well I did, in my knickers only until I saw the label saying something about ‘hazardous substances’ and ‘full protective clothing’ at which point I realised having it dripping down my arms wasn’t ideal), we smoked the blighters with smoke devices full of killer poisons, we laid x 4 traps and we laid strips everywhere. Not to mention the good old moth balls- totally f*cking useless I hasten to add.

We lay in bed last night, pretending to relax and watch TV, but at the slightest hint of a flutter of wings, the lights were on, and we were SAS assassins leaping around the room swiping with towels and leaving no stone unturned.

I’ll keep you posted- all I can say is that we really did try to get rid of them, and if they come back- well, Steve’s going to have to move.

Aside from that we had a lovely weekend in the evenings- I had my hair done and treated myself to a couple of new dresses one of which I premiered on Saturday night for an evening with my mate Dave and a couple of Steve’s best friends. Within an hour of putting it on, it was covered in red wine- knocked over by Steve’s friend directly into my lap. I was as good humoured as I could be, but declined a trip to a bar after dinner as I resembled an axe murdered.

Steve and I are heading off to Spain on Wednesday for 5 days….a dose of sunshine and hopefully some relaxation. This of course is pending the big sister not managing to get a flight out there- she was due on one last night, but pulled her unique trick of getting hammered after checking in and being refused to board. Lets hope she doesn’t decide to travel out there with us…please god no!

1 comment:

Mas said...

I found our moth nest and am very dissapointed that it was in my favourite pashmina and fluffy lights :( I hope thats it for the little blighters - they loved the pashmina the sods