Friday 8 December 2006

xmas party....the aftermath

Here's a thinker.

Last night it was my inaugural Christmas party at my new job so of course, I was on my best behaviour. I only drank 3 glasses of champagne at the reception, one glass of wine over dinner, several vodka and tonics and on the whole, I maintained my dignity (although I did dance to 'pass the duchy on the left hand side' which was wholly inappropriate given it was a law firm bash).

Over the course of the evening, I made polite and random chit chat with lots of people, some better than others. This morning I received an e-mail from one of the said 'chit chatees'asking me out for a drink.

This poses many issues for me in that:

a)I have a boyfriend who is a bit of a legend
b)No matter what I said or how I phrased it, I am now faced with the inevitable difficult moments in the lift or by the water cooler
c)Quite frankly, the morning after an office Christmas party, could anyone stomach going for a drink with ANYONE? The odds are stacked against any man brave enough to try this tactic.

So after some painful e-mail exchanges, eventually Mr S got the message, and instead of being hurt or cross or nasty, he said that he thought I was fabulous, and if I ever changed my mind, he was super keen. And, despite the slightly cringeworthy nature of the whole thing, I felt warm and glowy.

Afterall, we all like to feel appreciated.

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