Thursday 20 September 2007

The 6 week drought

It’s quite possible that I’m overstepping the boundaries of appropriateness on the blog I’m about to write, but sometimes things need to be told to the world and I for one am not shy about telling them.

Lindsey said to me last weekend that sometimes she felt guilty about reading my blog as she felt like it was some weird inner workings of my mind, and somehow things which I might not necessarily tell her in person. I of course, rubbished her. I’m pretty much like Sam when it comes to telling all of my business to everyone (it’s nice and inclusive that way and everyone feels loved and only mildly awkward at times).

So here goes….as my close female friends will already know I have just endured 6 weeks of celibacy. Not by choice, I’m not stupid you know. A combination of very badly timed business trips and operations have conspired against Steve and I and we’ve endured 6 hellish weeks of cobweb forming. I took this challenge on the nose and saw it as a character building exercise, but to be honest it’s dragged. I read an article in Cosmopolitan Magazine recently which said that sex in a relationship physiologically improves the bond between the two of you as the chemicals released boost the feelings of love and attachment. I knew this anyway, but made me consider how Steve and I had got on together during our drought. Yes, we’ve bickered- but that’s the norm. We probably haven’t been as affectionate towards each other as there’s always the ‘well I’m not going to get a shag so what’s the point’ issue burning away at the back of our minds. We’ve become more matey with each other I guess. Play fighting, pushing each other out of bed, Steve doing his usual array of wonderful animal impressions to make me laugh. It’s been good that we’ve coped and I think we’ve coped admirably.

I don’t want to be a part of one of those couples where it’s just raise the roof, ‘swing from the chandeliers’ amazing sex all day every day. That would be well, just a little bit shallow.


1 comment:

Mas said...

you don't really believe you've heard everything do you? :)