Wednesday 19 September 2007

My first wedding proposal.

Yesterday I was wondering up the road to my house when a random man crossed over stopped me and said to me, quite dramatically:

“Will you marry me?”

It struck me that in my 28 and ¾ years this is the first time any man has ever uttered these words to me, and, rather typically given my luck, it was some seedy chap from the dodgy estate.

I must have inadvertently styled myself in such a way as to be irresistible to such a person. Mental note- wrap around black dress and brown red or dead boots- not a good combination unless I’m really desperate.

My response, I laughed. Not in a ‘not on your life sunshine’ way, but more of a ‘ahhh how sweet, you’ve brightened up my day you loveable little street urchin’ way. I told Steve and his response,

“You always get the drunken imbeciles approaching you, what is it with you?”


And I could have sworn he was sober.

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