Saturday 5 May 2007

Bonjour. Je suis in Paris

Oui, je suis dans Paris....and do you know what is doing my head in, I want to write lots of funny stories but it isnt a qwerty keyboard; so aint no good at all for a touch typer who doesnt look at her keys......painful. Its taking me ten minutes per line.

Got to Paris fine after an early start. Steve has booked us into the resturant where Sex and the City was filmed called Kong tonight for dinner. Proper posing spot. The Time Out guide says...wear lots of labels and expect to be scrutinised! Hmmmmm, I hope the food is good. At least there will be loads to look at and laugh at....including le grand bill by the sound of it!

My GCSE french is doing me proud......un verre du vin, and prenez le premier rue a guache...hooray! Spelling is shite as ever though.

I gave in and wrote Dan V a text message today to tell him its time he started realising when hes onto a good thing and not to think about our time together with sugar coated glasses as it was the worst year of my life. I think thats fairly clear. Time to sleep off lunchtime Sancerre and then hit le tower eiffel.

Right off to eat an awesome looking tart aux framboise.

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Hey Ali,

Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hope you had a good day...

Prof Howdy