Thursday 31 May 2007

Sod the DIY, it's date night....

So, tonight I’m ditching the paintbrushes, bidding a fond farewell to the varnish, taking a step away from the steamer and spending an evening with my lovely boyfriend. Yes it’s Thursday so that means DATE night. A night spent exchanging sweet nothings, cuddling up on sofas, watching films, eating out somewhere fancy and generally enjoying each other’s company. I really ought to be cracking on with the DIY but a girl has her limits and my brown varnish hands and paint splattered hands and legs have pretty much finished me off.

Given the *limited success of previous date nights, I’m kind of hoping that this one goes smoothly, and I think adding the whole ‘I miss you because I don’t live with you anymore’ element might be a sweetener. We shall see I suppose.

Tomorrow is Epsom ladies day. I’m not going of course as I’m neither a horse lover or a lady, but Steve is. He’s taking a posse of tarted up brokers and will spend the day getting hammered on champagne, talking about insurance (YAWN) and generally being smooth (ish). I’ve come to the conclusion that he used up his charm and smoothness in the line of duty at work which is why most times when he sees me he can barely crack a smile! Or maybe it’s me…..probably the latter. I’m sure this means that by Monday I’ll have a whole host of amusing tales from my weekend.

I think tomorrow night I’m going to campaign that Lindsey and I should go and explore Hampstead and Primrose hill and see which minor celebs we can spot. We’ve already spotted a few in our local…well Lindsey has.

Over and out for now, Ali xx


Jonathan said...

Ah, you've established a local already, good work. Although I would caution you against making too quick a commitment to one place.

What you really need, it seems to me, is for me, Dan and Dave to come and do some thorough pub research for you, analysing the various options and rating their crucial characteristics (cleanliness of lavatories, friendliness of pub dog, size of barmaid's bust etc).

Finding a local is a serious business. When done properly, you can strike solid gold. Like we did with the mighty Crescent.

Mas said...

Richard Bacon is NOT a celebrity of notable value (which I guess is why you didn't name him).

Ali P said...

no you're absolutely right, Richard Bacon is NOT a celebrity of note. Although he's got a very funny surname.

And Jonathan....if you and dan are free for such a service then I would be delighted for you to sample the boozers of North London for might take a while, but I know you're the men for the job!

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