Wednesday 30 May 2007

The house of Obsessives Compulsives

Last night, the ‘House of Obsessive Compulsives’ (possibly a feature length film courtesy of Miller and Shipley in the year to come) was awash with activity of the painting, cleaning, polishing, sorting, unpacking and listening to music variety. Lindsey and I worked as only girls can work (4 hours non-stop of cleaning without so much as a moan or a ‘cuppa) and have achieved miracles in the house. We now have an inhabitable kitchen within which one might cook such simple dishes as pasta and sauce (oven is still a toxic no go area…comparable to the exclusion zone in Chernobyl) a lounge where we can relax and enjoy a whole array of reality TV like the eagerly anticipated launch of Big Brother and a bathroom where I can actually wash and go to the loo….result!

Whilst I gingerly placed things on kitchen shelves, Linds looked on nervously and then secretly rearranged them behind my back- it was brilliant. All shelves are perfectly symmetrical, we have a ‘display’ unit of 3 sets of matching glasses (red wine, white wine, and martini- of course), each distanced perfectly and all sparkly. It looks great. God forbid when we actually have to use any of it. We’re not prepared for that….yet. But we’ll get there.

Next on the agenda is getting the place re-carpeted, apparently the nice man from Carpet Rite comes over and does all the measuring and then a week later, hey presto, it’s done. I’m slightly dubious but happy to be proved wrong in this regard. I have visions of drilling and upheaval and general stress and tears, measuring tapes flying everywhere, a massive scuffle between us and Mr Carpet Rite- lucky man!

Felt very strange to be waking up on my own this morning, no-one to tell about my stupid-as-usual dreams, which this morning I probably wouldn’t have mentioned as they were of the ‘don’t tell your boyfriend THAT variety…but still, it was a little bit lonely. Thank god I had Mr Tiger in bed with me to cuddle.


Anonymous said...

have you finally moved to London, or are you still in Brighton?

Ali P said...

how dare you....finally moved! Yes, I have finally gone.....North London is so much quieter than South London. I miss the sea...but not too much.