Tuesday 15 May 2007

Content...how boring!

As my friend Sam once pointed out, when life is rosy and easy, then it doesn’t make for particularly interesting blogging does it? So I’m suffering from an acute case of blogging block until something amazing and blog-worthy happens.

Until then, I’m keeping a low profile! The only very dull news is that I’m moving this weekend, oh yes I am! It’s back to the basement flat armed with black bin liners and boxes and lots of will power and energy. I’m feeling quite weird about the whole affair. Having been fairly remote from Brighton for the past few months, I feel I have almost ‘got over’ the not being there- although I do miss the people quite sorely.

What’s concerning me is that I’ve now lived (on the whole) fairly happily with Steve, woken up next to him every morning and ate with him and well, he’s kept me company for the past few months and I think I’m really going to miss him. Of course, if things map out, our short term plans are to buy somewhere together, and we’re going to start looking at the beginning of 2008, which isn’t that long. In the meanwhile I have a year of fun and ‘freedom’ with my friends….but I’m wondering, am I mentally ready to settle already? Could I happily skip the friends phase? Well, yes, I suppose I could. But I think that it is going to be a good experience for me, and for us. And I’m hoping that the best part of a year apart will mean that when we do buy, we’re really excited and looking forward to doing it together, and refreshed from a year not being in each other’s pockets. I guess only time can tell….and in the interim, I’m just looking forward to having my entire wardrobe to chose from in the morning rather than the meagre selection of overwashed t-shirts and ill-thought-through sandals which have not accounted for this rainy miserable spell….grrrrr.

1 comment:

Mas said...

yes sad but true being happy is very dull reading. On a positive note though I think you and steve living together then living apart for a bit will make for a very happy relationship when you do move in together and in the meantime we will all have LOADS of fun while the boys work their arses off until 10 every night :)