Tuesday 20 February 2007

Leaving do ethics

Ok, so I have a new job. Does this mean work is relenting? No. It's much worse...the pressure is being piled on. Infact, I've been told that I can't put in any claims for overtime during my notice period, so they actually expect me to work late for free when I'm leaving? They can poke it where the sun don't shine (well maybe occasionally in Richard Gere's case).

I have a massive pitch hitting tomorrow morning, and my priorities tonight are as follows:

13.00pm - Visit City branch Tesco to buy dinner ingrediants
17.30pm - Leave on the nose with screaming partners hot on my heels. My problem? I think not. Pay me double time and I might consider it. Actually fuck it, no I wouldn't.
20.30pm- Serve delicious dinner to Corns, Stev and Mehta and listen to appreciative noises, and sarcastic comments regarding lack of cooking
21.00pm- Talk shit, and drink.
22.30pm- Sleep (and hope to not be woken by porn star shagging of upstairs neighbour)
3.00am- Get woken up by Steve who's forgotten 5 hour time difference

So there you have it. I am a strictly 9.30-5.30 girl. No added extras.

In these times of anger and resentment, my mind turns to my leaving drinks, where there's a good chance I will get to vent some of this on my unsuspecting colleagues. Of course I won't, but it's a nice thought isn't it!

So, I wrote a mildly recriminating, tongue in cheek e-mail this morning to a choice few colleagues, who I'd actually enjoy sharing a drink with to celebrate me leaving....this equated to about 12 out of 100 odd, most of which are out of the Country at the time (so clearly they don't feel the same!). I have categorically asked my team to not give me a leaving card, or a present. I don't want to be humiliated or have to make a speech. I just want to get really pissed on my leaving do and leave on a high note. That's the only way to go. And I'll never look back.

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